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Tournaments and On-Course Recruiting

This week we are sharing Part 6 of our video series which covers tournaments and on-course recruiting. Both are very important aspects of the recruiting process, and can factor into a coach’s decision.

This video gives instruction about:

  1. Balancing your tournament schedule.
  2. How to keep your schedule organized
  3. What college coaches are looking for when they watch you come play.

Be sure to download the Recruiter Elite College Golf Guide which will provide more info on how to build the best schedule possible and to impress coaches when they come watch you play at an event.

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.

If you have any questions, head on over to the Contact Us page and schedule a Free Phone Consultation with one of our advisors!  We love to talk with junior golf families… and it’s free!

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